Sunday, April 29, 2007

Looking forward for Chemo

This is Stephanie speaking (haiyaaaaaaah....) .. one.. two.. three.. hello.. hello..


At this time I really miss yummy food!
With this condition and with lots of foods that I'm not allowed to eat anymore.. it almost kills me. Hey, I'm fine with my cancer. REALLY. My brother wrote, that when the doctor said you got cancer and you should cry out loud. Seriously, I just couldn't cry. What I'm not okey with is the fact that I won't be allowed to eat lots of food. Hey, who doesn't love that Rib Eye Steak?? Who doesn't love that Caramel Ice Cream from Gelatissimo?? And who doesn't love that Iced Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks? Not able to enjoy that, YES, I was going to cry. And the fact that I have to eat vegetables makes it worse!

You know what I'm eating right now..???
No.. no.. no.. even worse than baby food. Even Gerber is much better! Even Marie biscuit with hot milk is better!
Everything must be puree. I can eat mashed potatoes, but they keep making me porridge - I won't be surprise if the 3 bears starting to mess up my mom's kitchen looking for their tastelss porridge.

Before the chemo start, according to my mom - which she said according to the doctor (god knows who which doctor), I should not eat meat and any sugary thing. Why??
Because, apparently, cancer looooove meat and sugary thing. And to avoid from the cancer to increase in my beautiful body, I should avoid that for awhile. But once the chemo starts, I can eat anything I want including ice cream, meat. Why (again)? because it's easier for the chemo to kill the cancer.

Ah, well.. looking forward the for Chemo to start so I can enjoy eating yummy food!
Once the chemo start, I'm gonna get that Caramel ice cream.. spaghetti.. what else..? Hmm.. that's all I'm dying for right now.. But I don't mind getting tempe bacem..

Anyway, why don't I go back resting. I'll update you (if I'm inspired to write) with more news from me. If not, let my brother do the talking..

See y'all!


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Food That Beats Cancer---> Too Good To Be True!!

Came across some online articles today about "devilish" food that beat cancer from Try to sneak them into you diets:

"Cheat" Foods that Fight Cancer A whole new reason to sneak treats on your diet

(Nov. 7, 2006)--Here's a reason to grin. Even your favorite off-limit treats kick in toward your daily choline goal of 425 mg. In recent USDA research, the nutrient lowered blood levels of homocysteine by 8%, a sign of protection from cancer, heart attack, stroke, and dementia. Pack your diet with wheat germ (43 mg in 1/4 cup), baked beans (40 mg in 1/2 cup), and pistachios (22 mg in 1/4 cup), but these surprising choline sources can help, too:

The Cheat The Choline
Chocolate cake, 1-inch slice 162 mg
Blueberry muffin 59 mg
Chicken nuggets, 6 pieces 39 mg
Beef and bean burrito, 3.5 ounces 28 mg
Light beer, 8 ounces 19 mg
Vanilla ice cream, 1/2 cup 19 mg

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i'm bored this saturday night, so i gather up some pictures my sister gave me and VOILA !

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Wish I Was There!

This picture was taken on my nephew FOX birthday. CUTENESS !! By the way, don't you think my sister looks BEAUTIFUL???

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Yet, another one!

Today's 4 sets of Funny Clips's are from Will & Grace, another of my sister's favorite. If you guys missed yesterday funny clips from Golden Girls, go find more at and search for Golden Girls.

Later Y'all !!

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Addition To This Website!

Hi All !

I add new feature to this blog. FUNNY CLIP OF THE DAY. Every other day I will post funny clips from our favorite sitcoms. First up is the GOLDEN GIRLS. Enjoy!

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

What this cancer called...

What my sister have is not an ordinary colon cancer, she had what doctor said:

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

and yes this kind of cancer is heditary. So if your parents or any of your family had this type of cancer, take out your lazy but out of the sofa and see your doctor!

As for me, i'm gonna get myself tested on 4/27/07 with my doctor Dr. Richard Powell. Excited and anxious at the same time: wish me luck!

For more information about this disease go follow this link:

By the way, the pic is my lovely sister Stephanie & Chloe (our niece) . More pictures to come!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Our First Blog - Ever!

Hi Y'all ! And welcome to our first blog!!

We are the WIDYASTANTO'S and we are Dedeq (the oldest sister), Stephanie (The older sister) and myself Chris (the youngest and the most handsome one--> HEY! give me some credit, i started this blog!)

The reason why we started this blog is because our dear sister Stephanie just diagnosed with colon cancer this mid April 2007. We want to make this blog space as our diary to talk about her, our family, her treatment and those dreaded word:CANCER! We will update this blog hopefully every other day to keep you updated with the recent treatment there is out there to beat this son-of-a-bitch called Cancer. PLEASE, feel free to add comments! Maybe you guys can also give us some news on new treatment that is not widely known yet and share it with all of us.

Here's my top 5 list of what do you NEED to do when your doctor tell you that you have cancer:
5) CRY YOUR HEARTS OUT ! ---> Yes folk, there is no crying in baseball, but if your doctor just told you that you have cancer you HAVE to cry. Hey, you just got cancer! You're a human; not a robot!

4) BLAME YOUR PARENTS! ---> Come on'; you know you've been waiting all your life wanting to blame your parents on something. This is maybe your only chance! Study shows that cancer is actually heditary. Therefore, if there's cancer history in your parents or family, do yourself a favor and GET TESTED. Early detection is the best way to beat cancer!

3) DO A MAKEOVER! ---> Change everything that you always want to do in your life and have new perspective in live. Change your wardrobe, your room, hell, even change your boy/girlfriend! Step in with a New You!

2) START A BUSINESS! ---> Now that you have extra time to reflect on your life, think about what you can do best and make money out of it! Think about what other cancer patients may need during this time. Do they need special kind of food? Do they need a special group? Think! Think! There's no better time to start your own business when you down & desperate.

1) RENT OR BUY COMEDY DVD! ---> Ever heard the saying "comedy is the best medicine"? Well it is ! Forget about your cancer and start thinking about those Will&Grace or Golden Girls episodes; especially keep these handy when you undergo chemo. It will keep your mind off things , chemo, and cancer.

Well that's all folks! Hope to see you in the next update!

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