Let's Celebrate!!
My and my sis checked out from the hotel and went to our very good friend's restaurant where he works there as the Head Chef for a company called One Concepts. The restaurant he currently works is TBone - which stands for Tiong Baru One.
What did we do there?
1. Visit a good friend
2. Celebrate Cancer Free with a good friend
We've known him for ages I guess. Oh, by the way, his name is Permana - we call him Nanang. And he's a good cook! Great, malah..
God knows how he got that sense of cooking. I wish I could be like him - have a good sense of cooking. Even sometimes I have to text him all the way to New Zealand just to ask whether a baking soda is the same as baking powder. Stupid me, even if he say that it's different and put poison instead I probably might do it.
How he ends up in Singapore? Good question..
He got an offer while he was still in NZ. We talked about it over the Messenger, and I think I managed to persuade him to move to Singapore. C'mon, it's way much closer to home. Besides, he can go back and forth Singapore-Jakarta to visit the family. And it's true. Last Lebaran, he went back to Jakarta to be with his family. And he must be very happy. His family must be happy. I can't imagine him in NZ celebrating Lebaran. Ugh..
Seriously, we ate too much that day. After we finished eating, he then told us that the steak was actually 1 kg!!
For God sake, man!! What are you trying to do, kill me????
But it was really good.
Too bad we couldn't stay longer. We've got other things to do before we leave Singapore.
But for sure, in 10 years, he'll make it big as Chef Nanang or Chef Permana.
TV shows, cooking books, biography, maybe even his own brand.
You'll never know.
Congratulation, Mas Nanang!

We're so damn proud of you..
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