Saturday, March 22, 2008

Guess what I tried!
This is just an experiment, try this at your own risk.
It's Fried Vegetarian Soba.
If you ask me how is it taste, it actually taste like feet. Hahaha..
But, it never hurts to try.

Shallots (chop into small pieces)
Garlic (chop into small pieces)
Onion (cut in half and chop into half circle)
Rosemary leaves
Mushrooms (lots.. lots.. and lots of them, chop to 3 pieces each)
Paprika (use half of it, take out the seeds, and cut into pieces)
Cherri tomato (3 pieces, and cut in half)
Soba (cook it just like you cook spaghetti. 2 minutes in boiling water. Drain and wash it with cold water. Put aside)
1 tbs. Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
Rock salt

1. Cook Shallots, garlic, rosemary leaves with olive oil or coconut oil, preferably coconut oil.
2. Add chopped onion, cook until the color turns a bit golden.
3. Add mushrooms, paprika, cherri tomato.
4. Throw a pinch of rock salt
Once everything smells good, toss in the cooked soba and add a drizzle of the oil.
Mix the in the pan.
Don't over cook.
Ready to serve!

Bon appetit!

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